Radiological Protection from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Industrial Processes

Draft document: Radiological Protection from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Industrial Processes
Submitted by Annegret Günther, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) with comments of
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

Line (paragraph)


130 (1)        Thorium-232 and 238U Uranium-238 decay through a series of radionuclides to stable isotopes…

168 (6)        ‘operations with and storage of materials not usually regarded as radioactive, but which contain significant traces of natural radionuclides’:

                   uniform use of the quotation marks! “” or `` (for the entire document)

285 (20)      Eearth

312 (22)      reuse or re-use

                   Uniform use of wording for the entire document (e.g. Line 993 and 997)!

398 (30)      By-products and residues from a one industry involving NORM

447 (34)      ICRP, 20014a

496 (41)      of dose or the application of special working procedures is needed for radiological protection purposes., In …

558 (49)      … and reasonable attitude (see ICRP (2018)).
                   uniform citation style (ICRP, 2018)

701 (68)      … breathing rates (see ICRP (2017)).
                   uniform citation style (ICRP, 2017)

701 (68)      , if Radon mitigation …

                   consistency, “radon” so far written in small letters

812 (87)      The definition of ILO should be given!

Annex A     “Geothermal energy production” and the “use” of thermal brines and “deep water” should be mentioned. Pumping of mine water (e.g. coal mining) can also lead to radioactive scale inside the tubes.

